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Humanities II - Antiquity

For the 2022-23 academic year, our studies will focus on Antiquity.


In addition to the books listed below, students will need:

  • Two blank 100-page college-ruled sewn composition books

  • 1” 3-ring Humanities binder (or a section in a binder used for multiple courses)

Cottage Press

Providence Prep will order Cottage Press books together for a group discount.


Each family will need at least one copy of Poetry Reader VI from Cottage Press.

Students will need their own printed copy of each of the following books.


The Memoria Press "The Book of the Ancient..." books are now in their 2nd Edition. If you own 1st Edition books, or find used 1st Edition books, they are fine for use in Humanities II. The 2nd Edition has slightly different page numbers and uses Arabic chapter numbers instead of Roman numerals, but the text is the same. 

Each family should have one history atlas. The same atlas is used in Humanities I.

Literature Books:
Students will need their own printed copy of each of the following books. NOTE: Sophocles I and Aeschylus II are also used in Humanities I.


Books and Materials by Level

Humanities II

Humanities I

